Unlimint Acquiring Team informs that they have added AliPay+ to its ever-expanding portfolio of payment methods. This addition can now help you gain access to a multitude of e-wallets and bank apps from across Asia (such as KakaoPay, DANA, GCash, TNG wallet), allowing to enhance customer services and expand your outreach to millions of new customers in the APAC region.
Launched in 2020, Alipay+ is a suite of global cross-border digital payments and marketing solutions operated by Ant Group. With innovative technologies and solutions, Alipay+ brings an easy way to capture digital-first customers and makes it easier and more convenient for merchants to serve users of Asia’s leading digital payment service providers.
About Unlimint
Unlimint was founded 2009 and since then it gained a popularity as all-in-one online payment solution for e-commerce business. It is authorized by the Central Bank of Cyprus.
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