How to keep your business bank account operational?

Tip #1 – Automated Sanctions check

Nowadays while the sanctions lists is constantly growing and changing, do not forget to check and, especially important, to monitor all your counterparties on sanctions.

Recently a business account of one of our clients was suspended due to a transfer to a sanctioned person! What? The client did not work with any sanctioned persons, but as it turned out, the full namesake of one of the clients was included in the list. He sorted it out - proved the absence of sanctioned persons in the counterparties - the account worked again. However, forewarned is forearmed. Receive automatic notifications about all the counterparties, which were at least once checked by you.

Simple and elegant solution from Platforma365 will relieve you of this headache

Sanctions/PEPs/Adverse Media check and monitoring





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Finance information


Account types

Business account
Personal account
Merchant accounts
Saving account
Crypto friendly
Accept non residents
Multi-language support
Accept high risk business
Pre-approval option